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School Age Professionals

Research & Best Practices for School Age Professionals offers research articles, curriculum ideas and resources that are specific to professionals working with children and youth ages 5-18 years. Resources are updated each quarter to provide the latest information to the after school community.


Research articles that highlight the latest findings on topics impacting the field of school age are found here. There is a short description for each featured article to help you navigate this page.
Click here for the current research articles.
Click here for archived research articles.

School Age Newsletter - May 2013

Click here for Archived School Age Newsletters.


Curriculum is more than just a string of unrelated activities. It is an integrated plan for experiences that are intentional and designed to actively further the growth and development of children and youth. This page highlights best practices and offers tried and true ideas for you to include in your program.
Click here for curriculum ideas.
Click here for archived curriculum ideas.


Web sites, publications, and organizations that support school age professionals are the focus of this section. A good starting point is the National AfterSchool Association website, where you can find information about public policy and the national conference.
Click here for current resources.
Click here for archived resources.