Child Care Council of Westchester, Finding child care, training for child care providers in Westchester County NY
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Parent Educational Series

The Child Care Council of Westchester, Inc. has developed a series of educational workshops, which address the needs of parents in our community.  These workshops can be presented to any group of 10 to 30 parents anywhere in Westchester County.  The fee for each workshop is $250.00

Child Care: Choosing High Quality Child Care for your Child
This workshop will provide an overview of child care options in Westchester County. Resources will be presented on how to locate care that meets parent's needs and also empower parents to find high quality child care including understanding the cost of child care and the economic impact of child care.

Are you stressed? Do you feel like you’re in over your head?
Examine the concept of stress and the cost on the body, mind, and behavior. Set realistic
goals and develop an action plan for work, family and yourself. Explore strategies to
effectively manage stress

Tips for managing holiday stress.
This workshop highlights the sources of holiday stress and explores strategies for dealing
with all of the additional demands of the season. Re-examine your holiday expectations and
see how they fit into your current lifestyle.

So you’re going to be a parent:
What are your expectations?
What are the realities?
How might your life change when you become a parent? Discussion on how to cope with
changing roles and responsibilities as an individual and as a couple.
Now what? Anticipating baby’s arrival...
What will the first few weeks with your baby be like? Tips on how to prepare for the needs
and demands of an infant. Examine the wide range of infant behaviors and issues with
regard to feeding, crying and erratic sleep patterns.

What about us?... When two become three. “We used to have a life, where has it
Turn the negatives into positives by exploring ways to take time for yourselves.
Communicate effectively with your partner and maintain a bond as a couple.

Brain research: Is it new or common sense? It’s both!
Learn about recent discoveries regarding the growth and development of the brain.
Understand the impact of this research on the interactions between parents and/or
caregivers and young children.

Bedtime rituals: helping your child get a full nights sleep so you can too!
Does your child put up a fuss at bedtime? Does he/she wake up during the night and call for
you? Explore sleep problems: stalling, night terrors, sleep walking. Helpful tips on
establishing bedtime routines.

Positive discipline for the preschooler.
Is it my child or do all children behave like this? Learn techniques for managing your child’s
behavior and how to create a climate that encourages positive behavior.

Kindergarten... ready or not?
Is my child ready for kindergarten? What can you do to foster your child’s skills? Discussion
will focus on skills your child will need to succeed in school. Learn to recognize both parental
and school expectations.

Developing a partnership with your child’s child care provider.
Share tips for establishing effective communication with your child’s provider. Explore ways to manage  issues and concerns.

The homework dilemma.
Do you and your child struggle over homework every night? Do you often wonder how much
help you should provide? Discuss ways to help your child establish a routine and a schedule
for homework.

Federal, state and local policies on child care.
Early care and education needs on-going and effective advocacy so that parents will have access to high quality programs and services.  Learn how to become an effective advocate.

Contact Nicole Masucci today to schedule one or more of these workshops,
914.761.3456 ext. 139 or