Child Care Council of Westchester, Finding child care, training for child care providers in Westchester County NY
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Born Learning

The Child Care Council of Westchester Inc. is pleased to partner with United Way of Westchester and Putnam, Inc. on Born Learning, an innovative public engagement campaign that helps parents, caregivers and communities create quality early learning opportunities for young children. 

Born Learning is designed as a tool for long-lasting community change that supports young children.  It has three cornerstones:

  • Awareness:  Providing important information about how young children learn
  • Education:  Providing easy, fun action steps that parents, grandparents and caregivers can use very day
  • Action: Providing a visible platform for public policy and action

The goal of Born Learning is to inspire everyone who impacts young children to make the best possible decision to boost school readiness.  Born Learning provides the tools to make long-lasting community change.

August Born Learning Tip: SAYING GOODBYE

Connection to learning: Take your child to visit the person or program where you'll be leaving him so the caregiver isn't a complete stranger. Never leave without telling your child. Always say goodbye, even though she may cry. This helps her trust you and become secure. Make up a "goodbye" routine you follow every day, such as a hug, then blown kisses. This helps your child know what to expect.

For your young baby (birth - 8 months)
Your tiny baby is starting to recognize your voice thus it's even more important to say goodbye. Kiss her/him. Say "bye­ bye. I'll be back." Your loving words are comforting, and help her/him learn the sounds of language.

For your older baby (9-18 months)
Fear of strangers is common. With baby in your lap, suggest that the "stranger" talk with you while holding a toy the baby can reach. Playing with the toy gives the baby time and space to warm up.

For your toddler
Your toddler knows he is separate from you, which often feels scary. Help him feel closer by hanging a family picture in his cubby. Give choices when you leave. "Do you want kisses, hugs or both?"

For your preschooler
3s and 4s can have a hard time separating, especially in new situations. Get your child a "goodbye notebook." Every day, ask "What do you want me to write?" Give suggestions at first, like "Mommy loves me," or "Mommy will pick me up after nap."

Click here for an archive of monthly tips.
Click here for workshops.
Click here for Portable Born Learning Trail & Hopscotch Mat Available for Your Program!
Click here for Born Learning materials that you can use with your child/ren.