The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is a nutrition education and meal reimbursement program helping providers serve nutritious and safely prepared meals and snacks to children and adults in day care settings.
The purpose of CACFP is to improve the nutritional quality of meals served to children in childcare settings. The program improves the nutritional quality of meals and snacks in three ways.
Setting requirements for the kind and amount of food to be served. |
Providing money (reimbursement) to eligible programs and providers for meals that meet requirements. |
Requiring training and monitoring for providers by the Department of Health and Sponsoring organizations |
How can I participate in the program?
To participate, family, group family and legally exempt providers must sign up with the Child Care Council of Westchester, one of the state-approved sponsors for Westchester County. Centers may also participate through a sponsor that meets the same requirements. Centers should contact their state agency for details on program participation.
Call Noreen at (914) 761-3456 ext. 110 to obtain more information on the program.
For CACFP policies and forms click here. |
What are the requirements of the program?
The basic USDA requirements for the CACFP are listed below.
Prepare and serve meals that meet the meal pattern. The requirements include serving certain groups of foods in amounts appropriate to the child's age. |
Follow record-keeping requirements and rules of the program. |
Keep records of daily menus. |
Record the amounts of actual food items you prepare and have available to serve at each meal. |
Record accurately the numbers of children served at each meal. |
Keep financial records of meal costs and documentation of family size and income level of enrolled children. |
Follow safe food handling practices. |
How can the program help the child care provider?
The program will:
- Help pay for the meals you serve to children in your care.
- Teach you how to plan and serve meals that meet childcare standards for nutrition.
- Let parents know that children have nutritious meals at childcare.
- Provide you with training that will help you do a good job and run your home-based business or child care center as a professional.
Click here for reimbursement rates for meals served in homes July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010.