On-site Trainings for Centers and School Age Programs
The Child Care Council’s Professional Development Department brings training to your staff at your site at a date and time that fits your needs.
On-site trainings
- are an effective way to train your entire staff.
- increase your staff’s skills and the quality of care they provide to children
- meet OCFS licensing requirements.
- are reasonably priced. Membership and multi-booking discounts apply!
Choose from a variety of available trainings or request a training on a topic of your choice:
- regulations and procedures including health & safety and child abuse prevention
- program and curriculum design
- social/emotional development
- quality improvement using environmental rating scales (ERS)
- infant and toddler development, behavior issues, and appropriate curriculum
- partnering with parents
- team building and stress management
If you would like to receive the Council’s On-site Training brochure, receive additional information, or schedule an on-site training at your center, please contact Dana Doyle, Professional Development Coordinator, at (914)761-3456, ext. 113 or danad@cccwny.org.
