Date Posted 1/13/2011
Making science fun is the key to these experiments in such categories as electricity, light and sound, and weather. The website contains useful information on a variety of science experiments and activities.
Monthly calendars are a great way for children to gain math skills, get a sense of time, seasons and learn critical thinking as they think in terms of days, months, weeks and years. Visit the following website to create personalized calendars. provides a myriad of activities in categories for children in grades K – 5 such as arts, math, money, careers and computers.
Date Posted 8/30/2010
This website lists many activities for school age children in the categories of: learning activities, arts and crafts, kitchen fun and much more!
Benefits of reading aloud to children, even those who read independently, are discussed, along with booklists for school age children.
Ideas for great group games specifically targeted for school age children.
Date Posted 3/10/2010
Toothpick Construction Contest
Working with a partner, students create toothpick structures for a creativity contest.
Telephone Game
Students can improve their listening and memory skills while being social.
The Edible Model
Students create a model made from food. This interesting – and tasty – arts & crafts activity will quickly become one of your students' favorites
Date Posted 6/2/09
Arts for Learning: Arts for Learning is an online educational initiative dedicated to the proposition that all students can meet, and exceed, learning goals while at the same time develop a lifelong affinity for the arts. Its website is designed for K–12 teachers who want to enhance their educational objectives. Activities for children with a Go Green Theme that foster a greater understanding, respect and appreciation for the natural world. Activity based curricula on healthy lifestyles with a focus on grades 3-5 in after school programs.
Date Posted 2/23/09
AAP Literacy Kit
This updated Literacy Toolkit is an interactive web-based resource designed to help all parents to read with their children. The site is meant to introduce a wide variety of strategies and tools to support the mission of promoting child development and future school success. There are evidence based tips for parents available in a variety of languages for parents of all reading levels, posters, book lists for a variety of ages and topics, and links to many helpful resources. Many of these resources can easily be adapted for use by early childhood professionals.
Survivor Island Field Day
This fun activity provides children with the opportunity to use the teamwork and leadership skills.
Birthday Wheel
A great arts and crafts activity, the paper Birthday Wheel becomes a handy birthday reminder.
Literacy Activities has books such as ‘Robin and Rodney Red Breast Letter R Read and Color’ for children to learn about birds, letters and colors has leveled readers Needs and Wants that help children learn needs and wants.
Creating Your Own Book
Children love to read books that they make themselves. Think about the interests of the children and make books about those topics. Use the child’s name frequently throughout the book. Let the child tell the story, although you might help with the simple wording. For the beginning reader, use only one or two lines of print. Select or let the child draw clear pictures that support the text and are easy to understand.
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Science Activities
Fossil Dig
Math Activities
101 And Out - A game for 2 – 6 players
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School Age Professionals
Have you checked out BAM? It stands for Body and Mind and is an interactive, online resource directed to youth that talks about peer pressure, disease, food and nutrition and physical activity.
Exploring Water Science curricula and facilitators guide are available online. The project, a collaboration between the New Jersey Department of Education, Liberty Science Center and the New Jersey School-Age Care Coalition (NJSACC) developed, pilot tested and documented a replicable model to enrich student learning and engagement in the afterschool setting.
To help accomplish its mission, Operation Respect disseminates its own educational program, Don’t Laugh At Me (DLAM), that provides an effective tool for establishing a caring climate in which the emotional and physical abuse children suffer because of peer ridicule, bullying and other asocial behaviors is far less likely to occur.