Born Learning Trail and Hopscotch Mat Available
for Use in YOUR Program!
We are very excited to announce the availability of two Born Learning activities for use in child care programs.
The portable Born Learning Trail is a great tool to have in your program for Open Houses, Registration graduations, and other special days. The trail consists of 10 tips, double sided in English and Spanish, displayed on poster board, each printed in the color scheme of Born Learning and with the Born Learning logo. Each poster board tip fits into an aluminum frame. The frames can be set on tables or the floor, or outside on the ground to create a portable trail for teachers, parents and children can follow.

The Born Learning Trail tips provide ideas and ways for children ages 0 – 5 and their parents/caregivers to learn together. Walking along the Born Learning Trail in your program helps everyday moments become learning moments. Easy to set up indoors or outdoors, the portable Born Learning Trail is the perfect activity for Parent’s Night, Moving Up, or just as an extra learning tool.
Watch the video of installation of a permanent Born Learning Trial at Kensico Dam. It’s a great place to visit!
The Born Learning Hopscotch Mat is a rubberized mat imprinted with a hopscotch board. The Mat comes with 2 brightly colored bean bags for children to toss into each numbered square. Instructions for playing hopscotch are also included. The Hopscotch Mat is a wonderful way for children to learn numbers and counting while getting physical activity.

Both the Born Learning Trail and the Hopscotch Mat are available for child care programs to borrow for up to two weeks. There is no cost for programs to borrow the trail and the mat. Contact Susan M. Edelstein at to borrow these Born Learning materials.
Click here for an archive of monthly tips.
Click here for workshops.
Click here for Portable Born Learning Trail & Hopscotch Mat Available for Your Program!
Click here for Born Learning materials that you can use with your child/ren.