Council Newsletter


Tell us about your favorite book

Is there a special childhood book that sticks out in your memory?  We’d like to know.  As part of our celebration of the Week of the Young Child, help us celebrate books, reading and family literacy by sharing your favorite childhood book and tell us what made it so special.   Parents, early care and education professionals, public officials, educators, coaches, business people, writers, artists – we’d like to hear from everyone!

Send us your favorite book.  We’re going to keep a running list which you can view by clicking here

Share Your Favorite Book!

All entries will be eligible for a
$25 Barnes & Noble gift card.

Your Name

My favorite childhood book was...


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Week of the Young Child

The Week of the Young Child™ is an annual celebration sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), the world's largest early childhood education association, with nearly 80,000 members and a network of over 300 local, state, and regional Affiliates. The purpose of the Week of the Young Child™ is to focus public attention on the needs of young children and their families and to recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet those needs. NAEYC first established the Week of the Young Child™ in 1971, recognizing that the early childhood years (birth through age 8) create the foundation for children's success in school and later life. The 2013 Week of the Young Child™ is April 14th –20th and the theme is Early Years Are Learning Years®.