Explore Early Literacy at Infant and Toddler Conference
Join Westchester’s child care community on Wednesday, October 26, 2011 from 8 am to 3:30 pm at the Westchester County Center for a full day of learning focused on early literacy.
GAME ON! Connecting with Middle School Youth
Learn best practices, marketing and branding techniques and cutting-edge activities for middle school students at “GAME ON! Connecting with Middle School Youth” on Tuesday, October 4, 2011, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Crowne Plaza White Plains. This workshop is made possible with funding from Work Family Directions.
New Autism Spectrum Workshop Series
For Parents, Child Care and Other Professionals
The Council presents two upcoming Autism workshops: Priscilla Gilman, author of "The Anti-Romantic Child: A Story of Unexpected Joy", will speak on parenting children with special needs on November 3rd, and Dr. Patricia Towle will speak on Autism Spectrum Disorders on October 11th.

Got Kids? Vote!
The Child Care Council of Westchester is teaming up with the Westchester Children’s Association (WCA) and other organizations and individuals to elevate the importance of children and youth in the 2011 Westchester County elections.
Protecting Children from the Flu
Child Care Settings Now Required to Post Influenza Information
A new amendment to Public Health Law (PHL) section 613 will ensure that families of children ages 6 months to 18 years who attend certain child care settings, public schools and non public schools receive information on influenza disease and the benefits of influenza immunizations. The goal is to increase children’s immunity against influenza.

Keep Up with Child Health Information
Be sure to check out our new Healthy Children FAQ section. You’ll find current information on such topics as new crib standards for child care providers and seasonal flu information for schools and child care providers. Be sure to check back frequently, as the section will be continually updated with new and useful information.
Keeping Children Safe
Finding safe and affordable child care is a challenge for parents at virtually every income level. Some parents may not be aware of the child care regulations in New York. Others may be pressured to make a quick child care arrangement that does not provide any educational benefits and may even prove detrimental to their child’s well-being.

Future Leader Child Care Scholarships
The Council is delighted to offer the Future Leader Awards for Child Care Scholarships from the Sally Ziegler Fund (previously the Sally Ziegler Child Care Scholarships). These scholarships provide up to $2,000 per year to help parents pay for child care. Eleven scholarships were just awarded for the period June 2011 through May 2012.
Children's Resource Corner - New Member Benefit
Many Westchester child care programs are struggling to update and replenish their educational materials and equipment, so the Council is launching a new “Communities Helping Kids” campaign to secure donations for our Children’s Resource Corner. Scheduled to open in October, the Resource Corner will offer free learning materials and supplies to programs and providers that are members of the Council.

Free Technical Assistance & Resources for Family Providers
Through a contract with the Westchester County Department of Social Services, the Child Care Council provides free technical assistance and resources to providers serving children who are subsidized.

After-School Program Reaches New Program High
The After-School Program at the Martin Luther King School in Yonkers, which serves 75 children, has come a long way in a very short time, thanks to Director Dwayne Cloud, Assistant Director William Turner, and the Council’s Management Consultant Mary Ann Brendler.
Hard Work Pays Off for Accreditation Initiative Participants
NAEYC accreditation is a difficult challenge, made easier by the Council's multi-year initiative, begun in 2007 with support from the IBM Global Work/Life Fund through Work Family Directions. The 25 participants received expert technical assistance and support throughout from project coordinator Maureen Barbelet, who also facilitated group sessions. Program improvement grants were distributed to each program.
Council Receives Born Learning Renewal Grant
The United Way of Westchester and Putnam, Inc. awarded the Council a $10,000 renewal grant for a second year of Born Learning, a public engagement campaign to help parents, grandparents and caregivers turn everyday moments into enjoyable learning opportunities.
Nurturing Early Literacy
Council Expands Family Book Bag Programs
The Council piloted a small early literacy project with a grant from TD Bank which grew into a larger initiative funded by the Sexauer Foundation and later the Edith Glick Shoolman Children’s Foundation. The Early Literacy Book Bag Program builds the literacy skills of young children from economically-disadvantaged families by increasing their exposure to books and activities that support early literacy skills both in their child care programs and at home with their parents.

Council Board Welcomes New Members
The Council’s Board of Directors is delighted to announce the election of two outstanding additions to the Board.
Breakfast of Champions and Joey Award Winners
On June 3, 2011, the Council held its annual Awards Breakfast to present the Joey and Champion for Children Awards in recognition of exceptional individuals who have made outstanding contributions to our system of early care and education, which is so integral to the future and vitality of our county.
Kathy Halas is New Early Care & Learning Council President
The Council’s Executive Director, Kathy Halas, was elected President of the Board of the New York State Early Care & Learning Council (ECLC), in August. The ECLC is the coordinating agency for the state’s network of 39 child care resource and referral agencies that work to make quality, affordable child care available to New York’s families.