2012 Legislative Breakfast on Young Children
Friday, February 17, 8:00-10:00am
The 2012 Legislative Breakfast on Young Children will be held on Friday, February 17, from 8:00-10:00 a.m. at the Greenburgh Town Hall, located at 177 Hillside Avenue. This complimentary breakfast and forum is co-sponsored by the Child Care Council of Westchester and the Westchester Children’s Association.
Friday, June 8, 8:30am
The biggest celebration for Westchester’s early care and education system all year, the Council’s 2012 Awards Breakfast honors outstanding professionals in the field as well as achievements that have made lasting differences in children’s lives.

Child Care Co-Pay Hikes are Avoided in the 2012 Westchester County Budget
Many Westchester families breathed a sigh of relief at the end of 2011, when the Board of Legislators successfully restored $4.3 million in child care subsidy funding to the 2012 budget, maintaining child care co-pay rates at 20%.

New York State Loses Out on 2011 Early Learning Challenge Grant
Unfortunately, New York was not one of the nine states awarded Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge grants by the U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services in 2011. From the 37 proposals, California, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Washington were awarded funding, which totals $500 million.

2011 Tax Filing Season
Help Put More Money in the Hands of
Working Families!
Please join the Early Care & Learning Council and The National Women’s Law Center in ensuring that eligible workers, who haven’t heard about the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC) and the Child Tax Credit (CTC), benefit from these tax credit programs

B orn Learning Trail Available to Child Care Providers
In 2010, the Child Care Council launched its Born Learning project, a national public engagement campaign sponsored by United Way which helps parents, grandparents, and caregivers create natural opportunities for children’s early learning.

2012 LIKE Awards Announced
The 2012 Lanza Investment in Kid’s Early Education (LIKE) Awards, announced at the end of December 2011, are sure to make a great impact on the lives of 20 Westchester County families this year. This is a new Child Care Council scholarship program made possible by Patricia Lanza and The Lanza Family Foundation.

Council’s Early Literacy Book Bag Program is Huge Success
The Council piloted a small early literacy project with a grant from TD Bank into a larger initiative funded by the Sexauer Foundation and later the Edith Glick Shoolman Children’s Foundation.

Autism Spectrum Workshop Series
A series of three workshops on Autism Spectrum Disorders was presented for child care providers, educators, mental health professionals and parents who were interested in learning more about the diagnosis, associated symptoms and strategies/therapies that are helpful in working with/caring for children on the Autistic Spectrum.

J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Invests in Westchester Early Care and Education
J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation has awarded the Child Care Council of Westchester with a $65,000 grant to broaden and deepen support for quality early childhood in Westchester County; to improve quality in Westchester’s early care and education programs; and to expand the Council’s capacity to meet new operating requirements and customer demands.
Northern Westchester Hospital Center Receives
Cate Riley Award
The Child Care Council is pleased to announce the funding of the Healthy Kids NOW(HKN)initiative. Healthy Kids NOW is a volunteer-based organization, working under the umbrella of Northern Westchester Hospital Center (NWHC) in Mount Kisco, to promote healthy nutrition and fitness habits among young children in northern Westchester County.
Council Board Welcomes New Members
The Council’s Board of Directors is delighted to announce the appointment of three outstanding new members.

Council Membership
Become a member of the Child Care Council of Westchester today and reap the benefits of this small yet important investment in your field. You will increase your ability to deliver quality early care and education and become a part of Westchester County’s best child care resource for child care professionals.
