Council Newsletter

Council’s Facilitated Enrollment Project Helps Families Obtain Health Insurance at No or Low Cost

The Council understands that small employers like child care providers have a tough time obtaining affordable health insurance that meets the needs of their employees. No one plans to become ill or injured, but it happens. Health insurance helps to protect individuals like members of your staff when they do need medical care.

A Council Facilitated Enroller can speak onsite with program employees at no charge to see if they and/or their children are eligible for NYS Health Insurance. She will teach them about the public health insurance options available for adults and/or their children in Westchester County and help enroll.

To arrange a public health insurance session at your facility, contact us at (914) 761-3456.

Desiree Celentano: Ext. 136

Arlene Leuzzi: Ext. 122