Westchester programs and providers can receive books if they are:
- either a licensed/registered child care or Legally Exempt program serving children whose parents receive a child care subsidy
- a non-profit community agency serving Westchester children in need.
If you meet the above qualifications and would like to receive books or your program, contact Miriam Kerness at (914) 761-3456, ext. 134 or miriamk@cccwny.org and provide the following
1. Name of program (if applicable)
2. Type of program (Center, Family Child Care, Group Family Chiid Care, School-Age, Legally-Exempt)
3. Phone number and address
4. Total number of children enrolled including # of infants/toddlers (age 0-3), # of preschool children (age 3-5), and # of school-age children